ProTeam Victor Campenaerts flies to fifth time in Tour de France time trial

Victor Campenaerts took the fifth best time in the first time trial of this Tour de France, 52 seconds behind the winner Remco Evenepoel.
Race 05 July 2024

Victor Campenaerts had his eyes on the first time trial today in the Tour de France, 25 kilometers against the clock to Gevrey-Chambertin, and he didn't disappoint. 'Vocsnor' could hold the best time for quite some time, after keeping off Kévin Vauquelin with only 76".

In the end Campenaerts took a fifth time. "I had a lot of fun. I really appreciate the confidence the team gave me. The goal for me was to take a top 10 today, I know that I can't win against the names that are in front of me. It was the first time I went all in on my beautiful Orbea Ordu time trial bike and right before the Tour we received a new Ekoï helmet, which really suits me. It was great. I was also really looking forward to this day, to see my girlfriend Nel and my newborn son. They gave me that extra push."


Picture: PhotoNews